Samara on It's Make a Difference Monday!
Happy Monday!!I've had a rough life, I've gone through numoruous trials that test my faith but the kicker is, I'm fifteen. My best friend was being abused and beaten by her mother, I did all I could do...
View ArticleKristina on It's Make a Difference Monday!
After losing my Dad back in 2010....i felt as thought everything in my life was gone. I hd started to take a dark path in life...but thanks to your sation and my dear friend Jacey in Louisiana praying...
View ArticleRose Taylor on It's Make a Difference Monday!
Could u please ask ur Listeners to pray for My Step Grandma, she is in surgery right now for a shoulder thats messed up. Her name is Dell Siddall, It would mean so much to me, i have lost a grandma to...
View ArticleTheresa Byrd on It's Make a Difference Monday!
Hello S&K - My grand daughter was born 4 months premature. The doctors said that she was "unviable for life" but what seemed impossible to man was made possible through God. When she was born He...
View Articlesusan franz on It's Make a Difference Monday!
Dear Scott and Kelly, am listening to your commentary regarding the restaurant banning kids - what the issue comes down to whether you are for or against the policy is the right of the private business...
View ArticleJESSICA on It's Make a Difference Monday!
Yesterday I was at the video store and needed .40 cents. I went to my car and came back with it but there was a gentleman paid the .40 cents for me.I said thanks and the lady at the counter just told...
View ArticleSusan on It's Make a Difference Monday!
Helping a lady from my church who had knee surgery a month ago. She needed a ride to the doctor and a few other earrands.
View ArticlePam "pip" Pipkin on It's Make a Difference Monday!
Scott and Kelli,Heard you as i was out yesterday, doing errands. As i came out of the Credit Union - i was irritated because a family was sitting and leaning on my car; it was a man, woman, and a...
View ArticleCindy Schriver on It's Make a Difference Monday!
My husband was diagnosed with cancer two years ago and has spent the last two years going from radiation to chemo to valiantly battle this cancer unfortunatly no treatment has worked for him and he is...
View ArticleMissy, Jeff, & Noelani Barrett on It's Make a Difference Monday!
Hi Scott & Kelli and Happy Monday!!We would like to share what our 6 yr old daughter is doing to help children in Rwanda. There is a summer fundraiser through Focus On The Family called "Read to...
View ArticleTiffani on It's Make a Difference Monday!
On my way to picking up a pizza for my parents I heard that it was Make a difference Monday. I thought to myself, "I really want to do this, its already almost the end of the day though, I will have to...
View ArticleBecky Kliewer on It's Make a Difference Monday!
Hi Scott & Kelli - This happened this last Sat., but God helped me M.A.D. in someone's life. Here's my story - I was at the park playing with my dog and a lady approached me. She looked very...
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